
My Daughter Passed Her Board Exam

I couldn't get myself to sleep no matter what I did. Hence, I decided to just cook breakfast for my son, James, who will go to schoo...

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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

RETROCOGNITION is seeing events that happened in the past usually by entering a trance. I experienced this when I first entered one of the first tall buildings built in Manila which is the Luneta Hotel. I went there to check the rates of their function rooms. When I looked out from one of its windows, I just saw the old state of Manila where there are no cars but several horse carriages were passing and I can see a bay at a distance then, several beautiful and well dressed women came in. This experience drew me to research the history of the place.It was built in 1919 and served as a brothel to American G.I.s during the World War 2.The Manila Bay can be viewed before from the site.

This is what President Dwight Eisenhower wrote about the Luneta Hotel's beauty:

"This Luneta was for more than 4 years the scene of my habitual evening walks. To this day it lives in memory as one of the most pleasant, indeed even one of the most romantic spots, I have known in this entire world. Leaving the front entrance of the Luneta Hotel in the evening, I could walk to the right to view the busy docks where Philippine commerce with the world was loaded and unloaded. From the hotel, looking across the peaceful waters of Manila Bay, I could see the gorgeous sunsets over Miravales. Walking toward the Club of the Army and the Navy, and looking down toward the city itself, I nearly always paused for a moment before the statue of the great José Rizal before returning to my quarters."

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Bahay na Pula

BAHAY NA PULA which is otherwise known as Red House and Don Ramon Ilusorio Mansion was built in 1929 on the lands of the Ilusorio family in San Ildenfonso, Bulacan as a family mansion with two storeys. It was made largely out of wood and painted red on the outside, giving it its name. The house was surrounded by large gardens filled with tamarind, camachile, and duhat trees.

During the Japanese occupation of the Philippines in 1942 the house was confiscated by the Imperial Japanese Army and used as barracks and became a place where Youmg Women from Bulcan and |Pampanga were held for months and were used as sex slaves. it also served as a Japanese Military Garrisons where they killed many Filipino soldiers and guerrilla fighters.Due to the crimes against humanity committed by the soldiers in it, the mansion was abandoned by the family after the war and became a haunted house.

Bahay Na Pula iwas relocated to Las Casas Filipinas De Acuzar.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

I Am Not Impressed at Him

Once and for all, I am going to express my opinion here about what some people who are sending me PMs were asking. About that psychic who is posting his predictions on his wall that became true.

No. I wasnt impressed. Why would I be impressed at predictions that have been predicted so many times even before he was born? PHILVOCS and DENR have also warned us ang gave tips so many times before and until now to prapare for The Big One. Look earthquakes happen everyday. Most of the time, we just dont feel it.

Most of all, why would I be impressed when someone tells me how my husband, my mother and other people I know look? Those are things I ALREADY KNOW. I dont need a psychic who will tell me what I ALREADY KNOW.

Besides, the people of the world need resolution and enlightenment more as of this point instead of hearing disheartening things over and over again.

So please, stop posting his predictions on my group. I will never approve any of those. CPS was not created to spread terror but to spread enlightenment.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Why Spirits Would Follow You


They might find you interesting and want to observe you. Many spirits are interested in other worlds as we are interested on other worlds too, They would observe you, see what you do and then when they're satisfied with their knowledge, they will depart from you.


They'll pester you at your wee hours and disturb your sleep. Pop up from time to time for a nice scare, or generally disturb your peace for fun and to see and enjoy your reaction.Some of them don't mean any harm, but they can be pests specially when they're bored.


Your energy type can attract certain spirits Similar energy reflects each other and therefore attracts similar entities. If you have an abundance of positive energy, positive things will be attracted to you. Good entities will be attracted to positive energy people. And negative energies will be attracted to people with negative energies.

The Dungeons in Fort Santiago

The Dungeons is otherwise known as the hole of Death because a lot of prisoners died here due to suffocation, sickness , drowning, starvation or torture during the Spanish and Japanese Occupation of the Philippines, For so many times, it served as a torture chamber.After the WorldWar 2. About 600 American and Filipino soldiers were found dead here. They were kept in a tight cell where they died of suffocation and hunger.If you get imprisoned here. You dont go out alive. You go out in a box.

Learn more about history and ghosts, come with us to Intramuros Ghost Walk.

The Ladies of the Night

A WHITE LADY is believed to be a ghost of a woman who committed suicide while waiting for the return of her beloved. A BLACK LADY  is not always bad. We tend to be too judgemental of the color black but always remember that a ghost clothing can just be the projection of its emotions and state of mind. Both white and black represent mourning. Hence, Both white and black ladies usually appear in places were death took place. Especially when it's massive e.g. battlefields, massacre areas,burial grounds...

Horror Stories You May not Know About the Pasig River

Ilog Pasig is a river that stretches 25 kilometers from Laguna De Bay to Manila Bay. It used to be a main  transport route and source of water specially during the Spanish colonization.It is also used for public baths way back then.

Ducks used to thrive in the river because the river used to be so clean and there is a type of river snail that is prevalent  there before and the ducks feed on them. Duck raising became a booming industry in areas near the river because of that. However , because of the growth of industrialization, new structures being built here and there and informal settlers started occupying the riverbanks, the river was polluted and the river snails the ducks feed on have died. And that eventually killed the duck raising industry near the river.

Some residents of Intramuros escaped the war by crossing the Ilog Pasig.

Sometimes apparitions can be sighted floating on the river and here are some of the possible reasons:

1. It is believed that during the Spanish colonization of the country, Ilog Pasig is not yet existing. Hence the Chinese traders are having a hard time transporting goods to Manila. A big snake approached them one day and offered a deal. He will create a river that will make their transportation to Manila easier  in exchange of their souls. The traders agreed and their businesses thrived since the river was created. THE floating apparitions that can be seen on the river are believed to be the souls of these traders.

2. Ilog Pasig used to be inhabited by crocodiles. Some people who go there to bath were not able to go back and when a huge crocodile was captured by a Filipino, he ripped its stomach open. Human bones and skulls were found inside it.

3. Grimm Reapers in hooded white clothing inhabit the river and can be seen by some people who are sensitive to spirits.For this reason the river should be saved so that the reapers will stop grabbing souls to sustain the river's life.

World War 2 Atrocity Story

While a lot of Filipinos and POWs died of starvation during the World War 2, Some Japanese soldiers practiced cannibalism under the command of their superiors as a way to create nerves of steel. It is reported that they cut flesh from their living captives to be devoured.They also know which parts of humans are good to eat.

The Brain Feast and The Infernal Beverage

Early Filipino tribesmen literally feasted on human brains ala Zombies.The Brain Feast is a traditional celebration held every time the group won a battle against a rival tribe.

The bizarre tradition starts with the Tinguian chiefs and warriors sitting around a “sacred” space where a  large vessel of basi (sugar cane wine) was placed, along with several decapitated heads of their enemies. After giving a short victory speech, each of the warriors would then get a severed head for himself, crack it open using a hatchet, and take out the brain. As if it’s not gory enough, the young Tinguian girls would then pound the brains until they were fine enough to be mixed with the sugar cane wine.

When the concoction is ready, all the participants would each get a taste of it and pass it around for the whole tribe to enjoy

Join #IntramutosGhostWalk to know more about he colorful history and hauntings of the beautiful city.

The Dark Secret of San Agustin Museum

The San Agustin Museum is one of my favorite museums on Earth. It is well maintained and showcases the journey of the Augustinians in  the Philippinines as well as their influences. Here you'll find religious art treasures and artifacts that will point you to the history of Catholism in the country. Here is also where you'll find the ashes of our National Artist Juan Luna.

Hiding behind the beautiful structure, paintings, sculptures and art works are some horror stories only a few people know about.During the Spanish Occupation of the Philippines, Fray Vincent De Sepulveda was murdered here by his fellow friars who do not like his strict leadership. His murderers were hanged in the courtyard and were buried inside the former convent. During the World War 2.It was used as an internment camp by the Japanese Imperial Army where around 7000 residents of Intramuros were imprisoned and were killed before the end of the war. There is a grand spiral staircase inside the building where hundreds of women were raped and killed and their blood dripped and tainted the stairs then.These incidents were believed to contribute to the present haunting in the building.

Join #IntramurosGhostWalk to learn more about Intramuros, Philippine History and the haunting in the beautiful city.

The Mystery inside the Manila City Hall

Manila City Hall

Many would say that it is not recommended for anyone to stay inside the City Hall once the clock strikes 6 in the evening. The building employees themselves will say that you can hear strange noises like eerie whispers and footsteps all over the place once night falls. Also, if you check on Google Maps, you will see that the building is shaped like a coffin when viewed from the top.It is another structural casualty during the World War 2 that survived bombings.

Please join #centerforParanormalStudies for more topics like this--- https://www.facebook.com/groups/centerforparanormalstudies

Senora de la Salud - The Forgotten Image of the Virgin Mary

The miraculous Nuestra Senora de la Salud ( Our Lady of Health) was first brought to the Philippines by the Recollects from Mexico in 1606 and was first venerated  at the San Nicholas Church in Intramuros where the offices of Manila Bulletin now stand. San Nicholas Church is also the original home of the Black Nazarene. However, the church was bombed by the Americans during the World War 2. The Black Nazarene was then transferred to Quiapo and the image of the Nuestra Senora de la Salud was found undamaged and intact.For unknown reasons, the Recollects decided to hide the image to the public for so many years. It was only in 2006 that they decided to bring  it out again. San Nicholas de Tolentino Church is now its current home. She is the patron of the sick and those who want to stay in good health. A lot of sick people claimed to get healed because of their devotion to the image. Believers also see her as the patron of those who are facing pregnancy problems. Currently, the Catholic Church is reviving the devotion to the Nuestra Senora dela Salud, the image of the Virgin Mary which almost sank into oblivion.

Please join #centerforParanormalStudies for more topics like this--- https://www.facebook.com/groups/centerforparanormalstudies

EVP Audio Recording vs. The Spirit Box

No offense meant to anybody but as a paranormal investigator who's been in the field for 35 years, I have tried using both the regular audio recorder and the spirit box. I still prefer the classic way of  getting EVPs, which is by using a digital audio recorder because an audio expert can always validate through a software if what you've captured is just noise, a human voice or a ghost voice. The Spirit Box on the other hand is fun to use specially if you're a thrill seeker, but since it gets signals and frequencies that produce lots of noise that can be mistaken as words, I dont find it reliable if you're into serious ghost hunting and paranormal investigation. It's a plus point as well if you want to look good (astig) on cam.

Ghost Hunting Mobile Apps

I had been asked by someone if the ghost hunting apps which can be downloaded on Play Store are effective such as Ghost Camera, Ghost Detector, Ghost Sensor and others . Well, it will be hard to cancel out something without testing it first. If you want to use those Android apps, always do some experimentations with them first. Try to run the app on 2 different phones or more at the same time on the same angle and if a ghost was detected all of those phones will detect it. Moreover, if a ghost appears, cover the camera's lens. If it's effective, the ghost will disappear once you cover the lens. Remember too that mainly, these apps were created so you can scare and make fun of your friends, which may only lead to wasting space on your phone when you download them. This is also why legit ghost hunters dont take these apps seriously.

Medium: A person who acts as a mediator between the spirit of the dead and the living.

Spitist: A person who studies the nature, origin and destiny of spirits.

Spiritualist: A person who communicates with spirits.

Nuno sa Punso

The NUNO SA PUNSO is not a dwarf but a dwarf-like spirit of an old man who is dwelling in an anthill or termite mound. It gets easily angry at those who comes near its mound or causes damage to it.

The nuno can curse those who have offended it in any way by using its magical power. For example, if you pee on its mound, it can make your genitals swell. If you kick its mound, your feet will be swollen.

To counter its curse, the victims should ask for forgiveness from the nuno which is sometimes done together with the offering of fruits, animals such as chickens and pigs, special drinks and other material things.

The funny side though is that there is a theory that some albularyos make up the story that these victims were suffering because they've angered a nuno sa punso, conduct the offering ritual to appease the goblin but secretly steals their offerings for their family's consumption, which led some people to make fun of mounts which were believed to be inhabited by the goblin by intentionally urinating or stepping on them.

😀 Thanks for reading. Please invite your friends to join this group.

Psychic or Psycho?

I was just thinking. If ever we are living in a world where there are no Hollywood films, no tele-novelas nor anything that will influence us into believing delusions about the 3rd eye and other psychic abilities, may mga tao pa kaya na maya-maya magpi PM sakin para mangulit na i open ng 3rd eye nila? Masyado bang naimpluwensyahan ang mga ito ng mga bakikita't nababasa nila to believe that when you're 3rd eye is open, you are like superheroes na may super powers? I've tried my very best to educate eveyone about the 3rd eye and psychic abilities however, some people dont really want to learn that is why they reject the more logical explanations about the matter.

May I remind all of you that there is a thin line between being psychic and being psychotic. Kahit nga spelling nila e magkalapit pero magkaibang-magkaiba mg kahulugan. Rule out first if your experiences are not linked to personality or mental disorders. That's the proper way and then train your psychic abilities if you are clear of those.

Just an axample. Having the personality disorder called bipolar and/or borderline personality can be mistaken as empathy. Kaya madaling mag shift and moods ninyo. Being psychotic can lead someone to think they are communicating with aliens and other beings, seeing God, engkantos and/or Satan visiting them because they must be truly special, that they are time travelling or astral travelling and so on. Being schizophrenic can make someone believe they have super powers, that they are starseeds, that they are the awakened so sorry to us for being ordinary, that they are godesses sent to earth for a mission, that they are Satan's right hand, that they are the fiercest mangkukuning, este mangkukulam, that the powers in the world were entrusted to them and they hold the world in their hands and no one can be successful even Duterte if they wont allow that power to them (Ive had a client like this. I think it's more appropriate to refer to him as patient 🤪).

It will serve you best if you will consider yourselves first as humans so you better learn to act as one before anything else.

Dreaming about Elevators

To see yourself riding an elevator in dreams reflects your desire to quickly rise to status, wealth or a higher level of consciousness. It may also mean you wanted to move away from a certain situation as quickly as possible.

Meaning of Shoes in Dreams

Shoes symbolize getting ready for something. We wear shoes when we are going outside or if we are going to travel, whether long or short. The thought of travelling might have crossed your mind lately when you are having dreams about shoes.

To shop for shoes with a celebrity may mean that you are about to do things that involves career moves and success. However,do not forget to be careful with your choice. Wrong choice of shoes can be the make or break of a certain journey.

Meaning of Celebrities in Dreams

To dream of celebrities symbolizes fame. You might have the desire to be well-known or you might be doing something that you are hoping will invite fame into your life. 

Broken Pot

It was the darkest day in Jerry’s Life. He never admitted to pain before even in his younger days, but now, he did. He felt like his heart is bleeding as he reads a part of Melanie’s letter that says:

…I’ve been following you in secret to see how well you have been handling this affair with that woman. Hoping that one day, everything will come to an end. Quietly, I tried to do everything I could to win back your attention again. But in vain, I guess. Because until now, you still go out with her. After seeing the two of you together again yesterday afternoon, I have decided to give up the fight. I will leave. I couldn’t stand the pain of losing you gradually. I couldn’t accept the fact that you don’t love me anymore…

“You shouldn’t have left,” Jerry uttered as he closes the letter with shaking hands, “it’s not what you’re thinking, Melanie. I could have explained things to you if only you had stayed. I love you very much…”

“He suddenly found himself grabbing the phone and dialing some phone numbers that belong to Melanie’s friends and relatives; a thing he hasn’t done before. Unfortunately, none of them can tell him her whereabouts. She left with Lantel, their two year old son. He knows he can only blame himself for what has happened.

“She’s a very pretty lady,” Melanie exclaimed while preparing his breakfast.

“Lady? Who?”

“I’m talking about the picture in your wallet.”

Surprised, Jerry almost blew out the coffee from his mouth. Melanie has found out about Jessica’s picture. He started to perspire.

“Hey, it seems you’ve been checking my wallet without my knowledge.”

“Of course not. It was an accident. It fell open while I’m preparing the laundry a while ago. Why? Is there any problem?”

“None. Actually, that woman is our new sales secretary. She gave that picture to me as a remembrance.”

“And what for?”

“I don’t know. It might be because she finds me charming,” Jerry said while laughing. Hoping that it could shake off any suspicion in his wife’s mind.

“But you were still keeping it. You even placed it beside my photo. Why? Is she that special?”

“No. Of course not. I just forgot to remove it. She gave it to me just yesterday. I don’t really want to take it but I don’t want to offend her. Come on, Darling. It’s not a big deal.”

He was lying! Actually, he has been keeping that picture for several weeks now.

“You shouldn’t do such a thing. You might make her feel like you also have interest in her. Don’t be too much of a gentleman.”

“Okay, sorry about that. I’ll take your advice.”

Then, he gave out a sigh of relief. It seems, his tactics to mislead her was a big success.

Jessica and him started having an affair almost three months ago. She’s new in the office and since her first day, she would keep on throwing glances at him. She continued doing that for days even if she knows that he was already married. After several days, she started talking to him in manners so sweet, asking him to help her with some things she can’t understand about the operation.

Day by day, she keeps on finding ways to get near him. He knows she’s flirting. He easily sensed the danger but no matter how hard he's tried to avoid being caught, it seems, this woman is crafty enough in getting what she wanted. So, he finally gave in. He was ensnared. Days passed and they began playing some kind of an unwanted game together.

“I’ll be late for dinner. I have an appointment with a client tonight.”

“But why at night?”

“Why do you ask that kind of question? I’m a salesman. It’s part of my job.”

“But you don’t usually meet with your clients at night.”

“Well, I’m afraid there has been some changes in the office. Things like this will happen frequently.”

Scenes and conversations such as this one became usual in the house ever since his relationship with Jessica began. There has been so much changes. So much lying. Sometimes, he wonders if Melanie could notice. She is always the quiet type. She doesn’t talk too much, doesn’t say a lot of words and keeps things to herself most of the time.

“Have you noticed my hair?” Melanie asked him one evening while they were having dinner.

Actually, it wasn’t just her hair that he took notice of. Gosh! She had a complete makeover.

“Oh, yeah! You look great. I wonder how much of our budget was spent for that fascinating transformation…”

He was joking here, of course.

“Almost half of it. Just to get you sending me flowers again.”

Now, he wasn’t sure if Melanie is joking. But those words were a slap to his face. Is she insinuating that he has been neglecting her?

Oh yes, there has been so many changes in her, too. He would often catch her staring nowhere. There has also been times of unusual quietness in her. She is often absent-minded. Like that morning, she fried eggs without salting them. Then, one of the plates fell asunder to the floor when she washed the dishes. And what’s the worst? She accidentally burnt his favorite shirt when she ironed it. But he can’t be angry with her. He just can’t. Knowing that what he’s been doing in secret is a lot worse. She should burn him to death!

One morning, when he woke up, he saw Melanie from the window of their room. She was at the garden, kneeling on the ground in front of a broken pot where her orchids were planted. She was crying, sobbing and not noticing him coming. He knelt beside her and watched her gather bit by bit the broken pieces of the pot.

“What happened?” he asked her. His voice surprised her.

“It fell. I don’t know why. I looked after it. I took good care of it. But after all, it fell…”

By instinct, he drew her near him and closed his arms around her. When he did so, she cried all the more. His heart was prickled while hearing her sobs. He felt he was the one she was referring to when she said those things. Melanie is a very good wife. Devoted…hardworking…too good to be true. And yet, he has managed to cheat on her. He wanted to slap his thick face and say to his numb conscience, “You should have been fair to her. If not faithful, at least, fair!”

He noticed the blood on her hands. Maybe they were cut by some of the broken pieces of the pot. Cut by the very thing that she has treasured and taken care of.

“Let’s go inside. I’ll take care of your wounds,” he said while helping her get up.

That day, he couldn’t concentrate in the office. As usual, Jessica, that devil in disguise, was there. But he hardly noticed her presence no matter how she tried to connect with him. He can’t explain why all of a sudden, he completely lost interest in her. All day, it was Melanie on his mind...his poor wife. He left the office at 3:00 p.m.

On his way home, he was thinking of making-up with her. He was planning to take her out for a dinner so she'll start feeling again that she is very important. That she is very much loved. Yet, he felt his heart beating fast when he reached the house. There is no one inside. No Melanie. No Lantel. And there was an unfolded letter on the center table of the living room. It was from Melanie. After reading it, he felt shattered. Broken into pieces just like that orchid pot in the garden.

“If you only know, I’m about to put an end to this craziness. I just need enough time,” he mumbled.

After making so much of those unsuccessful phone calls, he stood up and went inside their room. It was so meaningless to look at without his family around. Without hearing the laughter of his son and seeing the smile from the face of his wife. So, it was this painful. He hasn’t thought it will be like this.

He opened the window and from there, he saw Melanie’s orchids. He noticed that she didn’t buy a new pot for them. She just fixed the old one. And so, that’s what he’ll do. He will start fixing the broken pieces of their lives.

“Melanie, I will find you. No matter what the cost is. I will bring you back to this house. And onceI did, I’ll never let you go again. I will not let a thing like this happen to us again. I promise.”

Yes, it was the darkest day in his life. But in that darkness, a flash of hope sparked.

[I've written this short story more than 10 years ago. I got the inspiration to write this because one of my office mates asked for my help in finding a short story for his son's project. Since we cannot find an appropriate short story, I told her that I will just create one for her in less than 12 hours.]

To Someone Dear

You're so lovely
There's deepness in your eyes
Shade of beauty
There in your heart it lies

That warm sweet smile
Gives me great happiness
With just a smile
Everything seems endless

A voice so nice
That takes away sadness
Warm looking eyes
They fill me with gladness

Can we please talk
Can we be together
Every short walk
Could mean like forever

My thoughts of you
Will always be tender
Precious mem'ries
I'll always remember

Someone so dear
That's what you'll always be
Wish you were here
Share sweet moments with me

A special part
That's meant only for you
Here in my heart
I'll keep a lifetime through

[I've written hundreds of poems when I was still a teenager. However, I lost the notebook where I had written them. When I've decided to try writing poems again after so many years, this became my first...a practice poem to awaken the poet in me.]


I watch the falling leaves
Falling down my door
Signs of the autumn
Are now lying at my floor

And then, there you are
Coming from afar
I can see the sadness
And the sorrow in your eyes

What could have been wrong, Rosanna
How beautiful you are
So young and so tender
I sometimes think and wonder

What could have made you sad
Why you're crying
Where you're going
What you have in your mind

You can cry on my shoulders
I am by your side
My arms are wide-open
Ready to hold you tight

I long to see you smiling
Rejoicing once again
Oh, dear Rosanna
I'll always be your friend

[I've written this poem for a friend who is torn about her decision to stay with her current company or leave and find a new job in her province.]

Undying Love

Undying love
Is what I have for you
Like the skies above
It shall stay pure and true

How much you mean to me
How much I care for you
My heart has kept it all
And years have passed along

It just keeps growing strong

Remembering the days of our young lives
Smiling at the seasons that have passed
Hoping to return to those sweet, old times
Crying over what will not come back

Undying love
I still have in my heart
Though we’ve been apart
One thing stayed pure and true

And that’s my love for you

[I've written this so many years ago. I just know I have a True Love somewhere. I feel that kind of love lurking somewhere in the universe. This is also a song at the same time. After writing the poem, I applied melody to it after a few weeks.]

For You

What I have for you
Is love undying
So pure and so true
Strong and still growing

I kept in my heart
How much I'm feeling
And years have now passed
You're still life's meaning

I'll be glad to share
Until the world ends
All my precious care
A lifetime I'll spend

Days will pass and then
We will grow older
Nice to know that still
We'd have each other

Yes seasons will change
But my love wouldn't
And you to forget
I know I couldn't

[I wrote this for the man who became my husband and is still my husband until now.]


“They are really beautiful!” exclaimed Amanda.

“Yes, they are,” Vincent said.

He can never ever forget Amanda’s eyes as she watched those lovely fireworks. She was lost in their glory.

“Amanda, I think I’m in love with you.”

Amanda looks stunned after hearing those words. She turned to Vincent; but after her breath stopped for a moment, she began to laugh.

“Is that serious?”

“Yes, of course...”

Amanda laughed again, "You know what, I had always wanted to hear those words from you.”

Vincent smiled and uttered, “Really?”

Again, he heard that soft laughing sound. Amanda doesn’t know what to say. But deep inside her heart, she cannot express how happy she was after Vincent said those words.

That night, when they celebrated New Year’s Eve together in Singapore, was so unforgettable.

They were both from Manila. Vincent is working as a Bank Teller and on his third month in Singapore, He met Amanda inside a grocery and they became instant friends. Since then, they would call each other regularly and meet during weekends. They were drawn closer and closer to each other as days go by.

“I promise you, I will love you forever.”

He heard Amanda’s tickling laughter after he whispered those words in her ears. They were on East Coast Park then. Sitting on a bench and watching some people enjoying the sea.

“But what if I can’t be there forever,” asked Amanda, “What if I'll have to go one day and leave you? And then, everything isn’t going to last?”

Vincent looked at her. Her eyes, however, were not on him. They were on the sea. Or maybe they were looking nowhere. He can’t understand why all of a sudden, he felt some kind of fear in his heart after she said those words. He took a deep breath. Amanda noticed his silence.

Until he finally said, "Then, let's just live one day at a time and stop thinking about forever." He stood up and took her hand, "Let's go for a walk..."

As they were walking, Amanda felt guilty because even if Vincent didn't show it, she can feel that he was affected by what she said. Especially when he exclaimed, "Today, we will pretend that everything won't have an end."

They had been on for eleven months. Short period but enough to share a lot of things together. The world almost evolved only between the two of them. Everything is great and all seemed perfect, but as they say, some good things never last. Some things were not really meant to be from the very beginning.

Now, it’s another New Year’s Eve and Vincent is walking along that park where he and Amanda watched the fireworks last year. Same place and same effects. The only difference is that this time, he's going to watch the lovely sky all by himself.

“Vincent, I’m here at the airport now. I will be flying back to Manila today.”

It was Sunday morning when Amanda called him.

“What? Why did you tell me just now?” he asked.

Instead of hearing a quick answer, he heard sobs.

“Amanda…what’s the problem? Why didn’t you tell me you have plans of going home?”

“Sorry I didn’t let you know that my contract is over. Now, I have to go back to my husband and son.”

“Husband? Son?” he exclaimed. He was so stunned.

“Please, don’t ever think that I poked fun on you. I really did love you. I didn’t tell you about them because…”

There’s been a moment of silence. Even Vincent can’t talk. Something blocked his throat and he doesn’t know why.

“I don’t know. I’ve grown to love you and I just wanted to be happy with you while I’m here in Singapore. I'm sorry, I know I sound too selfish, but...”

He heard more sobs than words.

“Amanda,” he grasped his breath, "You're confusing me."

“I need to go to the airplane now. I’m so sorry…I know I will miss you so much.”

Amanda hanged up on him. The earth stopped moving around him the moment she said goodbye. He was devastated. He still wanted to say a lot of things but she's gone. He doesn't even know how to call her back. Definitely, there will be ways to find her in Manila, but then, maybe it's best not to bother anymore.

Vincent turned his head and looked at the bright sky. He watched those fireworks steadily while listening the noises of celebrating people. But in his heart, he hears only pain. On the other hand, the strong desire to move on is also there. He knows that he deserves to be happy.

It is so lonely in Singapore. His loved ones are all in Manila. He had to make a sacrifice so he can help his parents send his younger siblings to school; but when Amanda came, colors were everywhere. She never failed to make him laugh and make every moment that they are together meaningful. There hasn’t been any dull moment with her.

The relationship he's had with her is like those fireworks; so beautiful, so warm, so pleasant; but it can only last for a while. You'd definitely forget everything around you for a moment while enjoying the breath-taking sight.

After a few minutes, the lovely fireworks disappeared. He could only sigh as he watches the sky turning back to its normal appearance. For a moment, he thought about Amanda and the fireworks she brought into his life.

“Goodbye, Amanda…” he whispered to himself. Those are the words he wasn’t able to say when she made that last phone call 3 months ago.

He took a few steps away from where he was standing but he accidentally bumped a lady who was walking opposite his direction.

“Oppps, miss, I’m so sorry. I didn’t notice you.”

“It’s okay. Don’t worry.”

He looked at her face and he was glad, “Hey, are you a Filipina?”

“Yeah, I am. I’m Bernadette and you are…”


Well, he has to admit that she's cute and immediately, he felt the interest to get to know her better.

“Do you have a number where I can get in touch with you? Maybe you would like to go out during weekends with Filipino friends,” asked Vincent.

“Yeah, I would like to and yes I have a number…”

After exchanging numbers and talking for a few minutes, the lady said goodbye because she has to look for her cousin. She already made a few steps when Vincent called her back.

“Ah, Bernadette….”

Bernadette looked back with a smile on her lips, “Yes, Vincent?”

“I just want to ask, are you still single?” a question he failed to ask Amanda before.

Bernadette laughed, “Yeah, I am. I’m very much single.”

When Bernadette was gone and he was left alone, he said to himself, “I wish I won’t have to watch the fireworks alone next year.”

[I've written this a few years ago. In 2005 I guess. That was after watching the beautiful fireworks on the sky one New Year's Eve. Both this and "Broken Pot" are about infidelity. That is because one of my office mates then is experiencing this dilemmabecause of her ever gorgeous husband. 😂 I write better when it is about the experience of other people. I get inspiration most of the time from what's happening around me.]

Paper and Pen

I enjoyed my primary days at Canossa School of Sta. Rosa where I first discovered my passion for writing. I was then in Grade IV. While my schoolmates are playing and socializing in our school yard during break times, I am enjoying the quietness inside the library which served as my writing haven for years. There, I have scribbled my very first untitled short story and poetry.

My father had an accident when I was in Grade VI, leaving us no choice but to sell some of our properties, leave Laguna and move to Camarin. I could never forget the pain of having to say goodbye to my beloved schoolmates. The paper and pen were then the only friends left to me; and using these tools, I would always write down my feelings in literary form.

My secondary days which I spent in Metro Manila College became memorable when my writing talent was discovered and appreciated by Mr. Roxas, the founder of our first school paper and one of the very few people then who trusted my craft. He appointed me as Metronian Penseal's first English Literary Editor.

My writing however did not end on the school paper. When another angel came to the campus by the name of Mr. Francisco, I was rediscovered as a writer and director of school plays, which made me bring home several awards. Yet, college days have been so tough that I had to set aside this craft for a period of time.

The outlet of my frustrations and happiness has always been the paper and pen. I have written more than a hundred poems and several short stories in my late teens which I compiled in a notebook using my own handwriting. I lost this collection when someone snatched my bag while I'm on my way to visit a friend in Novaliches. Having to start again from scratches, I continued writing and have even learned to express myself in novels.

Dearest One

Dearest One
You are everything to me
Dearest One
You are my only fantasy
This heart cries in the night
Let me say this Dearest One
You are my only one

Dearest One
Please let me hold your hand
So I can say
My love gets stronger everyday
You filled my life with things so bright
Let me say this Dearest One
You are the apple of my eyes

I can say that this love
Is something great to bear
With a spark from your eyes
You take away my fears
Dearest One I couldn't count the years
Whenever I see your smile
My sadness disappears

Dearest One
My love will never die
How can a love so true say goodbye
Just call my name and I will send
My special care that will not end

[This is a poem and a song at the same time. I wrote the poem first and then, the melody. I have a lot of unspoken thoughts as a teenager...things I want to say to my first love; however, I wasn't given the chance to express those feelings. That is why I just wrote them in my heart in the form of poetry and songs.]

For A Lifetime

What is this feeling I have inside
People say it wouldnt last for a lifetime
Yet here I am and the feeling never ends
Im in love with you for a lifetime

And tonight we'll see the sky
Glowing with its shining lights
We'll watch the twinkling of the stars
Ang we'll never say goodbye
And tonight I'll never ever make you cry
I'll kiss away all the sadness in your eyes tonight

I cant believe you're still with me
Cause people say this feeling won't last for a lifetime
Yet here we are with our feelings growing stronger
I still care
I will for a lifetime

And I'll point you to your shining star
I'll love you just the way you are
Hurting you is the most stupid thing
I'll ever do in my life
There's a feeling I just cant deny
I feel no sadness when you're by my side
Just stay with me
And everything will be alright

The Search

I gave myself away for the search
Believing I will find the one for me
It wouldnt matter where she may be
She's my destiny

And now the search is over
It's then when I first looked

In your eyes
There is a river flowing down into the depths of my soul
I knew then you were the missing piece of my lonely heart
Now I want to spend
The rest of my days
Where I can be with you

I looked at you and love found its way
I know for sure
That you're the one for me
I will climb mountains
Swim in every sea
Just to be with you

The day my heart started beating
Is when I first saw you

[I created this song for those who believe in soul mates and who are in search for their soul mate. The song will describe how it feels when you finally meet him/her]

False Hope

You offered me shoulder to cry on when I'm not in tears
You held me close when I'm not feeling cold
But in the coldest night when I really needed warmth
You took away the comforting words you've always given when everything is fine
You freely gave me smile when I'm alright
But when things turned rough
You turned so silent
You cannot be reached when I needed your arms to surround me
When I turned to you for comfort
You weren't there
I realized I'm holding on to false hope
The most cruel thing you ever did to me
Is not being there when I needed you most
In my most challenging times
You made me feel so alone

[This is how most people made me feel during these times that I am dealing with the challenges of recovering from my health condition.]

Astral Lovers - In the Eyes of Aurora

Aurora has been studying in the School of Mysticism, a secret school that operates in the house of a very influential person, for more than a year though she had to keep it as a secret because her parents are devoted Catholic. She’s learned a lot under the guidance of her class adviser named Earl. She has a big crush on him that is why when he secretly approached her to offer a deal that he will be giving her advance lessons in Mysticism if she will agree to have a sexual relationship with him, she agreed. She always wanted to do Astral Travel, a subject which was not yet being taught in their class. She asked Earl to teach her how to do that.

Earl was very supportive of her and he does everything to make sure that she will excel in class. Some of her classmates who noticed that the professor is giving her special attention became indifferent towards her.

Earl always wanted her since the first time he set eyes on her. He finds her so attractive that he attempted to visit her astrally so many times in her dreams. He would always think of ways on how he can really be closer to her until he noticed her great desire to gain more mystic knowledge than the rest of the class, he thought he could use that to entice her.

The first time they attempted to do Astral Travel together was on a twilight time on the rooftop of his house. They spent time watching the beautiful dusk together and after a period of meditation, they’ve reached a state where both of them was in their target location, which is the Eiffel Tower in France. Aurora was enjoying every moment of it as she watched some spots on a bird”s eyes view, while Earl and her walk along the tower like they were dating in the Astral Plane. After each class the two of them would go to Earl”s house to spend hours of making love and then at the fall of Twilight, they will Astral Travel together. A routine that got both of them addicted that they could no longer break it since they both realized they have fallen in love with each other as well. They even enjoyed it more when they realized that doing astral sex is also possible between the two of them. Aurora’s classmates who envy her and who suspect that something is going on between her and their professor decided to tell their suspicion to her parents. Aurora’s parents got so mad because they believe that Aurora has committed a great sin by getting herself involved in Mysticism. Hence, they started to restrict her by not allowing her to go out of the house. They also kept her in a convent so she can repent from her deeds. Earl started feeling worried about her after so many days of not seeing her in his class. He felt demotivated to teach because she’s been his inspiration. Now his class became so dull after she’s gone. And he couldn’t ask anyone about how she is.

In the convent, Aurora was obliged to spend hours praying and cleaning rooms in the institution. This became her routine everyday. She was treated there like a maid .After a few days, her health started to fall because of overwork and loneliness. She is missing Earl but she cannot do anything. One afternoon, while doing some garden works, she was surprised to see Earl approaching her.

“I’ve decided to spy on your family to know where you are.” He said after hugging her tightly, ”Prepare yourself. I’ll take you with me. We will run away.”

Those words were music to Aurora’s ears. She embraced him so dearly like making up for every moment that he is not on her side. Without second thoughts and without caring where he is taking her she went with him. He was her hero and they went to live outside the city as husband and wife.

Their action drove Aurora’s parents insanely mad that they asked the help of the church to force the School of Mysticism to close down. And that left Earl jobless. He had no choice but to find a new job. He got one in another city and he told Aurora about it in excitement.

“It’s another teaching job but it wasn’t about Mysticism this time. It’s in a university. The only problem is that since it’s very far from here, I won’t be able to go home everyday.”

Earl had no choice but to stay in the university’s dorm most of the time. Sometimes he will be gone for days …weeks… and eventually, years... That upset Aurora very much and she got depressed. She wasn’t used to being alone without knowing when Earl will ever return. Due to frustration and loneliness, she decided to leave and go back to her parents. At least in her home, there will be people to look after her. That’s what she thought.

Earl returned after a year and went to their bedroom and the only thing he found on the bed was a folded letter where Aurora bid him goodbye.

Despite weariness, he quickly sailed to go to her parents’ house only to find her frail and very sick. He held her in his arms while watching her eyes flowing in tears.

“They never treated me well when I returned. They gave me tons of work to punish me for being a bad daughter.”

“I could not understand why you have to leave me. Have I treated you badly?”

“No but you always make me wait for you. I don’t even know if you will really come back. I felt so alone and forsakened.”

“Of course I will come back. You should have trusted that I will never forsake you. I’m sorry that you have to suffer this much all because of me,” Earl said in a low broken voice.

“Don’t be sorry. I felt so happy when I was with you. It’s just that I can’t continue to hold on. There are so many uncertainties between us.”

Realizing that Aurora is so weak and won’t be able to live any longer, he gave her one last kiss, held her hands and looked into her eyes. Those deep-set, lovely but lonely eyes that will haunt him for the rest of his life.
“I promise you. No matter how many lifetimes we’ll have after this, I will always search for you.”

With those soothing words from Earl, Aurora breathed her last. It's enough for her to know that he will come back for her.

Earl’s current persona would always have dreams about watching the dusk with a woman he couldn’t remember who and about touching her and gazing at her two lovely eyes that look so familiar to him. Each dream would feel so real .Since then, whenever he meets a woman he would look into her eyes to know if he will feel a certain familiarity with them. He’s had several relationships but he could not explain why there is a certain kiss, touch, warmth and scent he is looking for that he wasn’t able to find in the women he dated… and the look in those eyes. He would be willing to go places and cross oceans just to find what he is looking for. In fact he has travelled a lot not knowing what is in store for him and his search. He can’t even understand what he is looking for. However whenever he finds his Aurora and tries to have a relationship with her, something will always abruptly destroy the connection. She kept on running away from him...And the karmic ties continue lifetimes throughout lifetimes….

[This story was the inspiration behind the song I created which is entitled, “The Search.”]


The man I chose to love
Who will always have a special place in my heart that no one else can fill
Only death can tear us apart
And I will always be grateful that I am the mother of his children

Moments with him may not always be happy
But they will always be precious
Because it’s him and only him that I will cherish my whole life through
And nobody can take his place

In my heart, he will always be irreplaceable.

An Ode to Scott Daniel

You could be the most handsome man that I’ve ever seen
But heaven took you away from me so fast
Though you’re gone now
your memories will last
I will value you like a treasure
I promise that my love for you will remain pure
If you’re still around
Of this I’m sure
Life will be more profound for me
Coz even with just a single kiss
You can fill my world with bliss
I will always keep you in my heart
You will always be its special part
I've built a sanctuary in my heart
That is only meant for you dear Scott
OH Scott my dear
Wherever you may be
Wherever the angels are keeping you
I will remember you
I will always be true
Though you left me blue

{Check this to know who Scott Daniel is to me http://centerforparanormalstudies.blogspot.com/…/baluarte.h…}

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Finding that one perfect person who does exactly the way you want things is like searching for a unicorn. You will never find one because it does not exist!

When I See You

I love to see your face
You' re like an angel in the heavenly place
Your voice is like a spring
It comforts me like I'm hearing angels sing

You are like a vision
A pleasant thought that's far beyond description
A lovely candlelight
That sparkles and makes everything alright

You are like the moonlight
The lovely light that brightens up even the darkest night

Starlight, Starbright
You brighten up my life
Things were never the same
Since the time that in my lonely life you came