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Sunday, September 2, 2018

Astral Lovers - In the Eyes of Aurora

Aurora has been studying in the School of Mysticism, a secret school that operates in the house of a very influential person, for more than a year though she had to keep it as a secret because her parents are devoted Catholic. She’s learned a lot under the guidance of her class adviser named Earl. She has a big crush on him that is why when he secretly approached her to offer a deal that he will be giving her advance lessons in Mysticism if she will agree to have a sexual relationship with him, she agreed. She always wanted to do Astral Travel, a subject which was not yet being taught in their class. She asked Earl to teach her how to do that.

Earl was very supportive of her and he does everything to make sure that she will excel in class. Some of her classmates who noticed that the professor is giving her special attention became indifferent towards her.

Earl always wanted her since the first time he set eyes on her. He finds her so attractive that he attempted to visit her astrally so many times in her dreams. He would always think of ways on how he can really be closer to her until he noticed her great desire to gain more mystic knowledge than the rest of the class, he thought he could use that to entice her.

The first time they attempted to do Astral Travel together was on a twilight time on the rooftop of his house. They spent time watching the beautiful dusk together and after a period of meditation, they’ve reached a state where both of them was in their target location, which is the Eiffel Tower in France. Aurora was enjoying every moment of it as she watched some spots on a bird”s eyes view, while Earl and her walk along the tower like they were dating in the Astral Plane. After each class the two of them would go to Earl”s house to spend hours of making love and then at the fall of Twilight, they will Astral Travel together. A routine that got both of them addicted that they could no longer break it since they both realized they have fallen in love with each other as well. They even enjoyed it more when they realized that doing astral sex is also possible between the two of them. Aurora’s classmates who envy her and who suspect that something is going on between her and their professor decided to tell their suspicion to her parents. Aurora’s parents got so mad because they believe that Aurora has committed a great sin by getting herself involved in Mysticism. Hence, they started to restrict her by not allowing her to go out of the house. They also kept her in a convent so she can repent from her deeds. Earl started feeling worried about her after so many days of not seeing her in his class. He felt demotivated to teach because she’s been his inspiration. Now his class became so dull after she’s gone. And he couldn’t ask anyone about how she is.

In the convent, Aurora was obliged to spend hours praying and cleaning rooms in the institution. This became her routine everyday. She was treated there like a maid .After a few days, her health started to fall because of overwork and loneliness. She is missing Earl but she cannot do anything. One afternoon, while doing some garden works, she was surprised to see Earl approaching her.

“I’ve decided to spy on your family to know where you are.” He said after hugging her tightly, ”Prepare yourself. I’ll take you with me. We will run away.”

Those words were music to Aurora’s ears. She embraced him so dearly like making up for every moment that he is not on her side. Without second thoughts and without caring where he is taking her she went with him. He was her hero and they went to live outside the city as husband and wife.

Their action drove Aurora’s parents insanely mad that they asked the help of the church to force the School of Mysticism to close down. And that left Earl jobless. He had no choice but to find a new job. He got one in another city and he told Aurora about it in excitement.

“It’s another teaching job but it wasn’t about Mysticism this time. It’s in a university. The only problem is that since it’s very far from here, I won’t be able to go home everyday.”

Earl had no choice but to stay in the university’s dorm most of the time. Sometimes he will be gone for days …weeks… and eventually, years... That upset Aurora very much and she got depressed. She wasn’t used to being alone without knowing when Earl will ever return. Due to frustration and loneliness, she decided to leave and go back to her parents. At least in her home, there will be people to look after her. That’s what she thought.

Earl returned after a year and went to their bedroom and the only thing he found on the bed was a folded letter where Aurora bid him goodbye.

Despite weariness, he quickly sailed to go to her parents’ house only to find her frail and very sick. He held her in his arms while watching her eyes flowing in tears.

“They never treated me well when I returned. They gave me tons of work to punish me for being a bad daughter.”

“I could not understand why you have to leave me. Have I treated you badly?”

“No but you always make me wait for you. I don’t even know if you will really come back. I felt so alone and forsakened.”

“Of course I will come back. You should have trusted that I will never forsake you. I’m sorry that you have to suffer this much all because of me,” Earl said in a low broken voice.

“Don’t be sorry. I felt so happy when I was with you. It’s just that I can’t continue to hold on. There are so many uncertainties between us.”

Realizing that Aurora is so weak and won’t be able to live any longer, he gave her one last kiss, held her hands and looked into her eyes. Those deep-set, lovely but lonely eyes that will haunt him for the rest of his life.
“I promise you. No matter how many lifetimes we’ll have after this, I will always search for you.”

With those soothing words from Earl, Aurora breathed her last. It's enough for her to know that he will come back for her.

Earl’s current persona would always have dreams about watching the dusk with a woman he couldn’t remember who and about touching her and gazing at her two lovely eyes that look so familiar to him. Each dream would feel so real .Since then, whenever he meets a woman he would look into her eyes to know if he will feel a certain familiarity with them. He’s had several relationships but he could not explain why there is a certain kiss, touch, warmth and scent he is looking for that he wasn’t able to find in the women he dated… and the look in those eyes. He would be willing to go places and cross oceans just to find what he is looking for. In fact he has travelled a lot not knowing what is in store for him and his search. He can’t even understand what he is looking for. However whenever he finds his Aurora and tries to have a relationship with her, something will always abruptly destroy the connection. She kept on running away from him...And the karmic ties continue lifetimes throughout lifetimes….

[This story was the inspiration behind the song I created which is entitled, “The Search.”]

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