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Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Brain Feast and The Infernal Beverage

Early Filipino tribesmen literally feasted on human brains ala Zombies.The Brain Feast is a traditional celebration held every time the group won a battle against a rival tribe.

The bizarre tradition starts with the Tinguian chiefs and warriors sitting around a “sacred” space where a  large vessel of basi (sugar cane wine) was placed, along with several decapitated heads of their enemies. After giving a short victory speech, each of the warriors would then get a severed head for himself, crack it open using a hatchet, and take out the brain. As if it’s not gory enough, the young Tinguian girls would then pound the brains until they were fine enough to be mixed with the sugar cane wine.

When the concoction is ready, all the participants would each get a taste of it and pass it around for the whole tribe to enjoy

Join #IntramutosGhostWalk to know more about he colorful history and hauntings of the beautiful city.

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