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Sunday, September 2, 2018

Dearest One

Dearest One
You are everything to me
Dearest One
You are my only fantasy
This heart cries in the night
Let me say this Dearest One
You are my only one

Dearest One
Please let me hold your hand
So I can say
My love gets stronger everyday
You filled my life with things so bright
Let me say this Dearest One
You are the apple of my eyes

I can say that this love
Is something great to bear
With a spark from your eyes
You take away my fears
Dearest One I couldn't count the years
Whenever I see your smile
My sadness disappears

Dearest One
My love will never die
How can a love so true say goodbye
Just call my name and I will send
My special care that will not end

[This is a poem and a song at the same time. I wrote the poem first and then, the melody. I have a lot of unspoken thoughts as a teenager...things I want to say to my first love; however, I wasn't given the chance to express those feelings. That is why I just wrote them in my heart in the form of poetry and songs.]

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