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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Understanding the Manifestation of Incubus and Succubus

Attacks by an incubus or succubus (demonic entities that have sex with sleeping women/men), science says, are all in a person’s head. Another product of mind projection like tulpas. According to psychologists, incubus attacks occur when a person becomes partially conscious even though most of their brain is in the REM sleep stage. This leaves the dreamer to experience sleep paralysis as his/her mind weaves concrete images with dream images into an encounter that seems “real.” This state, called parasomnia, often involves sexual arousal, which can include an invisible rapist thought of as incubus or succubus. In some cases those people who desires sex too much but do not have a sexual partner may create thoughtforms that become their sexual attackers during sleep.Those who had experienced sexual traumas in the past like molestation, rape and others can also be haunted back by those memories through visits from an incubus or succubus.

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