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Monday, August 27, 2018

The Coffin

“Oh no Granny. You wont be able to scare me again tonight,”Abby whispered while covering all the mirrors and glass frames in her room with clothes. It was late afternoon and she wants to make sure that all of them will be covered before the night falls. She’s been experiencing haunting from her grandmother every night since her remains were buried 3 days ago. Now , she has thought of covering all the reflective surfaces inside her room to make sure that she won’t see her ghost again.

So, she went to bed early that night. After going to the toilet, she quickly walked to her bed without looking around. Upon laying down, she covered herself with her blanket up to her head to make sure that her entire face will be covered as well. Of course, she did not turn the light off. After a few minutes, she felt a cold breeze passing near her. She did not move and pretended that she was already asleep.

But the cold thing seems to be standing right beside her bed. She felt a slight pressure on the bed near her left hip as if somebody sat there. And then, she heard her granny’s voice humming a song.

Abby was almost trembling because of fear but she tried to calm herself. Tears rolled down from her eyesbut it wasn’t because of fear. She pulled herself together and when she has gathered enough courage, she removed the blanket from covering her head. As she suspected, her granny’s ghost is sitting beside her.

“You know why Im crying? It’s not because I’m afraid.It’s because of sorrow. I know that I will always regret that I did not give you much attention when you’re still here and that I failed to shower you with love the best way that I could. I will always be sorry about that for the rest of my life.I will miss you.You don’t know how much I love you. May you rest in peace, Granny.”

Her granny’s ghost disappeared but Abby remain crying.It’s only now that she felt that much heaviness in her chest. She laid on her side and fell asleep after a few minutes.She dreamed about her granny. 2 men came to her house to take her granny’s coffin.When they carried the coffin outside the door of the house, she sobbed,grabbed the coffin and tried to pull it back but the men were stronger that she wasnt able todistract them from taking the coffin away.

When she woke up the next day, the sun is already high. She felt that her eyes are swollen but deep inside, her chest felt so light. She remembered her dream and thought that it might be her granny’s way of saying goodbye to her for good. She felt relieved because that will also mean the haunting and the nightly torture is over. Although the real haunting will continue in her conscience for not being more caring and loving to her during her last days on Earth.

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