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Monday, August 27, 2018

Beautiful Nightmare

“I don’t know why I always dream about that beautiful lady in red.In my dreams she would always tell me that I know her and I should go with her.”

“Did you go with her.”

“No, I didn’t get the chance because I would wake up then.”

What Gerald did not tell his best friend,Noel, is that he is sweating all over and almost catching his breath everytime he wakes up. Noel also isn’t aware of his drug addiction.

“You’ve broken the hearts of a lot of women. Your guilt must be haunting you in your dreams.,” Noel told him before saying goodbye.

That is a fact. He’s had so many relationships and after he’s done with the girls, he would suddenly break up with them for no clear reasons. However, he finds this girl in his dream intriguing not only because she is very attractive but also because he feels like he really knows her but can’t remember who she is.

That night he groomed himself well before going to sleep. If the lady in red in his dreams is just in front of him in his waking life, he would surely grab her in his arms and sleep with her. She is such a turn on for him.

When he slept that night, he dreamed about her again. This time she went to him on his bed and sat down on his belly. He struggled to breath but he cant move.

“So, you cannot really remember who I am after you enjoyed everything that night?”

Gerald shook his head while trying to endure the pain that is building up on his chest. All of a sudden, the lady’s face became bloodied , her eyes turned sharp and her hair all stood up.The sight is too terrifying for Gerald to bear but still, he cant move nor call for help.

“I am the prostitute you picked up that Friday night. You brought me  to an abandoned building and tortured me there while raping me.”

Gerard remembered about being high on drugs 2 Friday nights ago but he can no longer remember the other things that happened. He opened his eyes widely when the lady took out a knife.

Alas, he was able to say something, ”Don’t kill me…please….”

“That’s also what I told you then. Do’t kill me because my family is counting on me. But you didn’t listen.Now, why should I listen to you?

All Gerald can do is shake his head repeatedly. Hoping that the lady will just banish.

That morning, Gerald was found dead on his bed with open eyes. His parents suspect it’s nightmare that took his life.

Was it really just a nightmare due to Gerald’s guilt of an unrecalled crime or did someone’s aggrieved soul took her revenge because the law can’t give her justice?

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