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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Basic Meaning of Dreams

Dreams can be mundane, surreal, or even verged on terrifying. It is thought that we typically have several a night, each lasting between five and 20 minutes, although we tend to forget most of them.

We know, from years of research, that all dreams mean something. Everybody is different, so a dream will mean something unique to the dreamer.

Certain dreams can be a good sign to some and a bad sign to some.

Dreaming is sometimes a way of receiving messages from our subconscious on many levels.


Dreaming of a death might leave you worrying that something is seriously wrong with your body.

If you've ever had a dream in which you or someone you love died, you'll know it can be a somewhat unsettling experience.

In some traditions, people come together and discuss their dreams each morning - dreaming of death was a good sign , with the prospect that this was news predicting a birth.

Dreams of death can also reflect the change we see in others or ourselves. If someone we love is behaving differently, this can manifest as a death in a dream.

Young mums often dream about the death of their babies, recognizing the responsibility they feel for the safety of their child and the worry that something bad may happen. These dreams as children grow older, acknowledging that the vulnerable young person who depended on them is no longer there.

Mums may have nightmares about their children dying because they worry for their safety.

Some people fear dreams of death are an omen that something bad is about to happen; It is understandable why some people worry it will come true when they dream that someone passes away.

Thankfully though, dreams of death - whilst disturbing - mainly serve to remind us how precious life is and that we should make the most of every moment with the people we love and care about.

Death dreams can be caused by anxiety, particularly if we have heard news of a passing or there is someone precious on our mind; as we start to consider our own mortality we may be thoughtful about how time could be running out.

It's important to address anxiety and set yourself up for a good night sleep, by dealing with stress positively during the day and ensuring your bedroom environment is relaxing and calm.


Do you remember the story of Alice falling down the rabbit hole in Wonderland? Your dreams take you on a journey every night, and to dream of falling depends very much on how you experience it.

If you're enjoying the sensation of falling, you're most likely relishing the feeling of not knowing where the latest adventure in your life takes you.

If you dislike it, chances are you're feeling out of control and don't know what's next.

Either way, the dream can highlight that changes are ahead and the future to some extent is unknown.


This dream usually represents anxiety that something is catching up with you. If you know what's chasing you in the dream, this gives you a clue as to where the problem lies; however many people just know they're being chased or sense a presence coming to get them.
It may be that you have some unfinished business with someone or you're worried that the past is somehow influencing your present.


This is a really common dream, the interpretation of which is steeped in traditional meaning.

For some cultures the teeth represent people, so to dream of losing a tooth may symbolize a fear of losing someone close to you.

Today, teeth can also represent status and wealth - so, again, to dream of one (or several) falling out can suggest that money is an issue.

This doesn't mean you've done anything wrong; many people today feel they're not 'good enough' in many areas of their life.

If you're having this dream, perhaps you worry you'll be replaced by someone or something 'better' at work or at home.


I'm often approached by people who have dreamt their partner is cheating and are worried their subconscious is trying to communicate this to them.

This dream usually suggests a fear a partner will cheat, rather than evidence they're actually doing that."


A common dream is that you're in a house, perhaps one you don't recognize.

Houses in dreams often mirror our view of our place in the world; the outside of the house reflects what you're prepared to let the outside world see.

If the windows are neatly dressed and the garden well kept, you could be trying to show people that you're organized and that everything is under control.

What's going on inside the house, though, can give away your authentic emotional state.


There are however several angles to what it means to defecate / urinate in dreams. Emptying bowels as a symbol of getting rid of negative thoughts. Feces (shit) in dreams can be a symbol of getting rid of something that has been a burden to us psychologically.


Usually a sense of euphoria or freedom is felt when flying in dreams, perhaps signifying you have freed yourself of a sticky situation or have achieved a recent goal.


To dream that you are cooking signifies your desire to influence others in such a way so that they will like you or become dependent on you. Alternatively, it represents your nurturing side. You want to be loved. Or the dream could mean that you need to express your creativity.


Dreaming about eating specially in a celebration could be telling you to be careful about an agreement you are about to get into. Be sure that you are dealing with the right people and if the deal itself will not be your break as food may look enticing but it can also be your make or break. It can energize your body or cause ailments.


Is a typical dream, which means we would usually dream about them and that's normal. For what reason?, First and foremost, we miss them and we may have this longing to still be with them and talk to them and dreams will give fulfillment to these desires. In ancient times though, it is always believed that dreams have a connection to the other worlds. Hence , when we dream of our dead loved ones, listen to what they were trying to say because they might be giving a warning that you must not ignore. Being the dreamer who knows your loved ones who died and the situation of your life better than anyone else, you are the one who will understand what they are trying to tell you. If you really think there is something deeper you need to know, best thing to do is consult a medium who can channel them instead of just trying to get a dream interpreter.


Hell is commonly a symbol of divine punishment or retribution for wrongs that you have committed. Dreaming about being in hell is an allusion to your feelings of guilt or refusal to admit it. This type of dream can also warn there is someone that controls you in your waking life.


You may have many inner fears and repressed guilty feelings that are forcing themselves into your awareness.


Our minds are storage of memories and information. These things stored in our minds can sometimes playback in our dreams. Sometimes the image of a long lost friend pops up in our dreams because that person might be going through something or will be in a bad or good situation and this is one way of the universe to send us that message. It may also be because you may have an unfinished business with that person and something in you is looking for closure. Is it also possible that the person you dreamed of is thinking of you? That is possible if the 2 of you have a very strong connection but that is the least likely scenario.

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