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Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Mist - A Warp of Thoughts

When I was still a teen, I wrote about the story of a place I call "The Mist".

The Mist is a Warp of Thoughts where all the minds of people are weaved together; and the only way to get there is throughAstral Travel.

The Parallel Universe, Biringan City, Skyworld, Akashic Records and other mythological and mysterious places we've known, are believed to be just "thought forms" that are weaved within it. There is also where we can connect to tap higher psychic powers since it has the collection of past, present and future events.

The Mist is also a place where the lost can be found, including our loved ones and their memories. I sometimes wish I can stay there to spend a little more time with them. Soon, I'd start traveling to it more frequently than I did before. Especially now that I have to fight my demons. Who wants to go on a journey with me to The Mist?

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