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Friday, August 31, 2018

Kita Kita Movie Review

I only wanted to listen to a female version of the song TWO LESS LONELY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. So I searched for it on YouTube when I accidentally found this trailer of the movie KITA KITA (I Saw You), which piqued my interest to search for and watch the full movie online.

Being a huge fan of romantic comedies, I really loved the film. It is beautifully crafted and its simple, light but touching plot made it hard for me to move on from it until now. The movie starred Alesandra De Rossi, a tour guide who suffered from temporary blindness. She never saw true love when her eyes can still see but did when she lost her vision in her neighbor and secret stalker, Empoy Marquez.

Their chemistry on screen is superb and their acting is definitely flawless. They were able to show that great acting does not need to involve hysteria, shouting, excessive crying and hurting people physically.

Kita Kita has a sad ending that conveyed a lot of revelation. The film is about finding the right person with the right love at the right time but the world can sometimes be so unfair and cruel to make such a beautiful connection end abruptly.

I know that this review came a little late and so is true love. It sometimes come a little late in life as well.

Kita Kita is a masterpiece which is worth watching no matter how late it may be.

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