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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bruxism - The Condition of Grinding the Teeth While Sleeping

Bruxism, the condition of grinding the teeth while sleeping, is usually caused by crooked teeth and/or abnormal bite. It can also be caused by certain emotions, such as stress, anxiety, anger, tension or frustration. In some cases, it may be due to interrupted breathing during sleep. It will also likely occur if one is taking some kind of medications, is having earache, has acid reflux, is suffering from Huntington's or Parkinson's Disease, to mention a few.

If this persists for years, it can cause damage to the teeth and jaws. People who grind their teeth while sleeping are also suffering from damaged sleep even though they sleep for straight 8 hours. That is because the muscles are not relaxed and the body is deprived of the benefits it can get out of deep sleep.

Finding the root cause and solving it is the best way to stop this condition.

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